Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Alassio, Italy. 3rd July 2016

First shots. More to follow. A very clean, and well-kept family resort, with numerous hotels, beaches, and restaurants.


Sunday, 10 July 2016

Now available! Corners of Wales Fourth Edition

For a full description of each book, please click on the link to the appropriate Amazon page.   

Friday, 8 July 2016

The South of France 27th June to 6th July 2016

An old hunting ground of mine. I thought I go see if it's still there,and, yes it is, even though it is now a little more congested, and a even busier than before. I rented a flat from Silvia, in Cannes, and stayed one night at the Hotel l'Lesterel. I took one day trip to Alassio in Italy and write about that separately. Here are some shots.
The Quai St Pierre
Looking towards the Corniche
A hotel is in port
I s*** on your flag!
Beach life
Luxury at The Carlton
Lunch opposite the station
I stayed in Silvia's flat in this block
Postcard seller having trouble with pigeons 
 Famous block of flats
 Villefranche from the train
 Police arresting illegal immigrants at Menton 
 About to leave from Nice airport
 Halfway home

For a great detective story set in Cannes, and which just about sums up the attractions of living in this part of the world, see my novella DARK HARBOUR. The link to this book is at the top of the page.